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Field End Infant School

Concentration Co-operation Daring Having fun Imagination

Vision, Ethos & Values

FEIS Vision: Developing Aspirational Lifelong Learners Who Will Help To Shape The Future


We believe in encouraging our children to develop their aspirations, to know they can be who they want to be and have dreams for the future. We have a broad curriculum to develop our children’s talents through physical, musical and creative activities while retaining a strong provision in the core subjects of English, mathematics and science. We want to encourage our children to develop enquiring minds and the skills to ensure they are lifelong learners in whatever path they choose. We support all children to build relationships, developing emotional skills and learning how to make good choices to prepare for their futures.


Learning Powers


We use our Field End Infants 'Learning Superheroes' to teach children how to approach learning effectively. Each embodies an aspect that we feel is essential in helping children to develop a positive attitude to learning and a growth mindset. We use the language of learning in our praise, looking for opportunities to reward children when they have concentrated, cooperated, used their imagination, been daring or taken risks in their learning and, importantly, when they have had fun in their learning!

FEI's 'LEARN' Values


These are core values that we hold which, we believe, make the school a safe and happy environment in which everyone is able to learn harmoniously. We teach children to take responsibility for being a good role model to others and to live out these values as members of our school community.

British Values at Field End Infants


We are proud to be a multi-cultural community, made up of different faiths and ethnicities, who are also British citizens with a duty to uphold the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, mutual respect and tolerance and individual liberty. We actively look for ways to teach children about these, through assemblies and through highlighting their relevance to our everyday school lives. Below are a few of the ways in which we help children to understand these. 

Mutual Respect

  • We are polite and respectful.
  • We say 'please' and 'thank you.'
  • We respect the equipment in school.
  • We help our friends to tidy up. 
  • We listen to others and wait for our friends to finish speaking before we speak.
  • We take turns and share; during conversations, when we are reading in a group, standing in a queue and during games with friends.


The Rule of Law

  • We are involved in deciding our school rules.
  • We know how the rules help make our school a happy and safe pace to be.
  • We sing our 'School Rules' song and remember that the rules are 'in our hands-' it is up to us to take responsibility for being good role models.



  • We promote community cohesion and democratic values by providing equal opportunities for all pupils to succeed.
  • We analyse attainment and progress data for different groups of pupils and use this information to help us identify and remove barriers to access, participation and learning.
  • We talk about the ways in which we make shared decisions, such as voting.
  • We have an active School Council who act on behalf of their peers and are our ambassadors for the school in the local community.


Individual Liberty

  • We teach children to understand their right to make their own choices and respect that others have the same right.
  • We talk about the fact that these choices may not be the same as those that others make. 
  • We promote common values, whilst also celebrating and promoting diversity and equality, human rights and responsibility.
  • We have policies in place to swiftly and decisively deal with allegations of bullying or harassment connected with protected characteristics. 
  • We are proud members of our local community.  We visit Ruislip Lido, St. Mary’s Church, Eastcote House Gardens, Manor Farm Site, Ruislip and our local shops.
  • We promote use of our facilities for the local community, such as Smarty's Nursery, Jump for Joy, Yoga, Tsunami, Match Pro tennis, PSD sports coaching, South Ruislip cluster (12 local schools), Infant School Network, Fusion (CPD for Leadership and Management-12 schools from across Hillingdon).


Tolerance of different Faiths and Beliefs

  • We celebrate Christian and British celebrations and festivals, such as Pancake Day, Mother’s Day, Saints Days, Easter, May Day, Father’s Day, Bonfire Night, Harvest Festival, Remembrance Day and Christmas.
  • We celebrate Hindu and Islamic festivals such as Diwali, Eid and Holi and learn about other celebrations that take place in our school community and the wider world.
  • We learn about British traditions and those from around the world.
  • We use books and the internet to connect with and find out more about people around the world.