School Sport Premium Funding
PE & Sports Premium
At Field End Infant and Nursery school we hope to capitalise on young children’s natural enthusiasm for movement, helping them to develop a love of sport and exercise that will last a lifetime. We believe that physical activity, experienced in a safe and supportive environment is vital to a child’s physical, emotional and social development. A broad and balanced physical education and activity programme, both within and outside school hours, provides opportunities for all children to develop control and self-confidence when managing themselves and their bodies in a variety of movement situations. By providing stimulating, challenging and enjoyable physical activity experiences for all children, they will enjoy success and be motivated to further develop their individual potential.
Children will experience a balance of individual, paired, grouped and competitive activities. Through a variety of learning experiences, children will be guided to communicate with other, to evaluate and improve their own performance and to respond appropriately and sympathetically to others regardless of their age, gender, cultural or ethnic background. Throughout the physical activity & P.E. programme, children will be given opportunities to develop their creative, expressive and problem solving abilities. They will develop their understanding of health and fitness and the importance and benefits of exercise.
It is our aim at Field End Infant School to;
·Give children a diverse range of physical experiences which allows them to enjoy and achieve
· Support all children in developing the fundamental skills of agility, balance and coordination
· Develop an understanding of the importance of exercise and how it affects their bodies
· Develop the ability to work independently, in a pair or a group and to communicate with and respond positively towards others
· Promote understanding of safe practice and develop a sense of responsibility for their own safety and that of others