Useful Home Learning Websites
Log on to the Oxford Owls website to access reading books and maths and phonics games online.
Please use the log-ins below:
Year group | Username | Password |
Nursery | feinursery | fein |
Reception | feireception | feir |
Year One | feiyear1 | fei1 |
Year Two | feiyear2 | fei2 |
- Oak Academy lessons: The Oak Academy offers a variety of lessons on different subjects. If you are in Nursery or Reception, click 'Early Years' and for Years One and Two, click 'Key Stage One' and then choose the subject you'd like to learn more about!
- BBC Live Lessons: Great learning activities provided by the BBC to support remote learning
- Mathletics: Fun and challenging maths games to enhance your child's learning
- Reading Eggs: Interesting and engaging reading games and activities for kids. Use your MYUSO login for access.
- White Rose Maths: At Field End Infant School use White Rose Maths to teach our children. White Rose are now providing resources for parents to use at home with our pupils.
- Twinkl: This website has lots of resources organised by topic and year group.
- ICT games: Choose maths or English games to play at home
- World of Stories: Sharing a story with your child will be one of the best ways to help their learning at home
- NRich: Challenge yourself with some tricky maths
- Joe Wicks PE lessons: PE lessons with Joe.
- Cosmic Kids Yoga: Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation designed specially for age 3+
- National Geographic kids
- The Maths Factor: Let Carol Vorderman teach your child Maths for free!
- Sooperbooks: Parents can gain unlimited access to all of our stories
- CBeebies Bedtime Stories: A wide selection of stories read with lots of expression by famous actors
- Book trust
- Collins Connect: Huge bank of songs and e-books to support all areas of the curriculum. Click on the teacher portal and enter the username: and the password: Parents20!
- Aspire Active Hub: Suggestion for a lockdown home timetable- still useful if you're struggling to find structure at weekends!
- Maths on the Move: Active maths challenges for different ages
- Virgin Media educational television programmes: A list of some of quality educational TV shows