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Field End Infant School

Concentration Co-operation Daring Having fun Imagination


Welcome from the Chair of Governors!


On behalf of the Governing Board, we would like to wish you a very warm welcome to Field End Infant School.


Field End Infant School is a positive and happy learning environment, and we are fortunate to have wonderful, spacious premises. We serve a very diverse community with varying levels of need. Our children are well behaved, courteous and inquisitive. They are enthusiastic in their response to learning and in the pride they take in being part of the school.


Our teachers are an effective, well established team. They are professional, friendly, fully committed and determined to provide children with every opportunity to enjoy each day and to achieve their full potential. We are proud of the stability of our staff team and work with them to promote a positive working environment, where they all have the potential to develop.

From your child’s first day in Nursery through to their last day in Year Two, their wellbeing, personal, social and academic development is our priority. Senior leaders and staff carefully monitor children’s progress to ensure they are achieving to their full potential. Our progressive curriculum ensures the children develop a broad and rich experience throughout their time at Field End. Even though our children are just beginning their journey in education, we have high expectations of what they are able to learn and achieve.


Our community is very much like an extended family at Field End Infants. We look forward to welcoming not only your child, but the whole family to our school.


Mrs. R. Contractor (Chair of Governing Body)

Information about the Governing Body


Field End Infants is a community school.

The name of the governing body is Field End Infant School Governing Body and their role is to oversee school strategy, policy, budgeting and staffing. They enable school to run as effectively as possible, working alongside senior leaders in supporting teachers to provide excellent education to our children.

The governing body shall consist of:

2 or more Parent governors (all schools)

1 Local Authority (LA) governor (all schools)

1 Staff governor (all schools)

1 Headteacher (all schools)

5 or more co-opted governors (optional category)

The Governing Body, may also choose to appoint associate members with complementary skill-sets; they will not, however, hold voting rights. 

The total number of governors is 11 (including current vacancies).


Membership of our Governing Body, including governors' responsibilities, is as follows:



Link Governor 

Debbie Seymour



Rozy Contractor

Chair of Governors 



Computing & E-safety 

Kelly McEntee

Vice Chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor

Early Years 

Victoria Jarvis 



Claire Daltrey

Staff Governor 

Relationships, Health & Sex Education

Wesley WelcommeParent GovernorHealth & Safety 

Scott Spencer 

Co-opted Governor 


Shobha Harris

Co-opted Governor 


Looked After Children 

Purvi Patel

Co-opted Governor 



Andrea Williams 

Co-opted Governor



Milena Krajewska-DabrowskaParent GovernorMaths

Vani Chenganna 

Local Authority Governor 


Behaviour & Anti-bullying 


The term of office for each category of governor is as follows:

Parent governors: 3 years

Local Authority governors: 4 years

Staff governors: 4 years

Headteacher: Ex-officio

Co-opted governors: 3 years


For more information about the terms of office of our current governors, please visit Field End Infants' governance page at:

Field End Infant School - GOV.UK (


The full governing body meets at least once per term.

There are three committees which also meet at least termly:

Premises, Curriculum, Finance & HR

(Joint premises meetings are also held with the Junior School)

Additionally, the Strategy Committee (consisting of the Chair of Governors, the Committee Chairs and the Headteacher) will meet if and when the need arises to focus on specific priorities. 

Committee membership is as follows:


Committee & Requirements 


Curriculum Committee 


4 Governors   


Chair: Claire Daltrey

Victoria Jarvis  

Shobha Harris

Andrea Williams 

Finance & HR Committee 


4 Governors   



Chair: Scott Spencer 

Victoria Jarvis

Vani Chenganna 

Rozy Contractor

Premises Committee 

3 Governors   


Site Manager 

Chair: Vacancy 

Kelly McEntee

Victoria Jarvis

Claire Daltrey

Strategy Group  

(Meets if / when the need arises) 

Chairs of other Committees, Chair and Headteacher 

If you would like to contact our Governing Body, you may do so via the Clerk to Governors, by emailing: